Saturday, September 25, 2010


Wow, I'm now into the double digits of my Food Freedom journey!!!

I don't feel heaps different, apart from sudden moments of indescribable peace and joy for my body and my life.  I feel relief that I am feeling ok with my body and my relationship to food...

Unfortuneatly, these moments are still fleeting and peppered with moments of total fear and helplessness.

Bikini season is fast arriving and I'm feeling really contrasting emotions when I look in the mirror.  The majority of feelings are of joy and love for my sensual, womanly, healthy body.

But then a little voice in my head says, "Are you crazy? Look at the size of your butt! And all that cellulite! C'mon, you can not seriously accept the shape you are in with joy and love, you're totally flawed right now!"

But the weird thing is, I do love myself, even when having to reveal my 'imperfect' body in public.  I do feel sexy and glamourous and beautifully vibrant! 

I'm still eating what I want, when I want, despite not being able to hide how my body is looking right now.  How's that for courage?

Today, I'm applauding myself and all us women out there, who choose to decide for THEMSELVES how to love and accept their total selves, flaws and all!!!

I'm applauding all women for being such beautifull and glorious demonstrations of what it is to be a woman!!
I feel that if I can continue to take the time to celebrate my Goddess within, just as I am today, than I am paving the way for others to do the same.

Lets take our power back from the media and break the yourself today: the fat, the cellulite, the wrinkles, the grey hair, the veins, and as much of the entire package as you can! 

No ones perfect so lets celebrate our health and laugh at the bits that make us feel less hair on my nipples! Yes my nipples...If I can look down at the black hair on all the bits of  my body, like my toes and nipples, chin and stomach( just to name a few...the list is much larger, trust me) and not let it make me feel like I'm unworthy of love, then so can you! I think its really about attitude and how you view yourself, flaws and all.  I may not enjoy having all this hair and cellulite, but I'm not allowing it to make me feel helpless, hopeless or unlovable either!

I think for me anyway, this journey of living in Food Freedom, is a gateway to transforming my attitude towards not just my body, but all of me!!!

I've always used food and my fear of it, as a way to keep me in check and my body under control!
But by focusing on eating what I want, when I want, I am opening up a whole new universe, and learning secrets to loving myself!

One question I am asking myself is:

Where does the balance lie, between accepting myself as I am, and making changes to feel better?

Answer pending...

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