Wednesday, October 27, 2010


As I mentioned in my last post, I was at a conference this past weekend.

Not knowing anyone, and being in a new situation, I was out of my comfort zone and on top of that, I ran out of money, so I couldn't eat anything for an entire day.  That sucked. 

But I got through it and I realized how much of a crutch food is for me....

I also became really aware at the conference, how lucky I am to be housed in a healthy body.

It was physically tough sticking out 2 full days of sitting on a hard, plastic chair listening to speakers. 

I recall looking at those around me, and seeing that alot of people were really struggling to sit that way for so long.

I specifically caught sight of a woman near me.  She was really uncomfortable and kept sighing and shifting her weight about.  She looked like she was feeling less than fabulous.

I really took that in.  I thought how blessed I am to have such a healthy body and how it really is my job to keep it as flexible and mobile as possible....

I realize how I want to be able to tackle the challenges that life brings me, with joy and comfort, not pain.

And experiencing food freedom and sustaining a healthy approach to food through eating what I want when I want it, when I am hungy, is a key to that physical health and wellbeing.

So today's blog is dedicated to that beautiful woman at the conference, who strugged to get comfortable in her own skin, the way I struggle to get comfortable with food.

May our journey's both follow a road of peace and joy...

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