I recall a few years ago when a friend of mine had me thinking about the power of healthy eating, not just on our bodies, but on our emotions as well.
His name was Garrett. We were hanging out as his girlfriend Melanie, is a good friend of mine.
Garrett was really cool and I liked him straight away because he was funny and genuine and was quite extroverted. We enjoyed some deep and meaningful conversations about life in general.
Garrett had Turrets Syndrome and one of the ways that he discovered he was able to keep it under control, was by eating raw, healthy foods.
When he ate healthy, his symptons were minimized and he also found that his emotions were much more postitive and balanced. He told me that when he would eat any junkfood, his Turrets would rear up and his emotions would drop into a funk as well.
I remember being really effected by this idea, as I had never really thought that the crappy, processed food I ate at times, could effect my emotional state.
After that, I started experimenting. The results for me were that when I consume alot of chocolate and or processed candy or sweets, I do experience a drop in my positive emotional state. After eating alot of sugar, I tend to feel a bit down and depressed. I also feel that way after drinking soda pop/soft drink.
When I eat chips and savoury junkfood, I don't get the same drop in my emotions as I do with sugar. This never ceases to interest me. I even find that if I eat sugar just before bed, I have nightmares.
I've asked other people if they react the same, but it seems everyone is a little different although quite a few people do seem to get a drop in the emotions from excess sugar.
Just food for thought....
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